This bean is an extension of the JobTemporalIDBean, and contains all information related to the functional details of a EService job, excluding customer details such as name, location, etc. Jobs can be created using a JobBean, provided that the Customer primary key passed in is that of a customer already existing on EService.
The data fields of this object are identical to the fields of a JobTemporalIDBean, with the additional fields listed below.
Name | Type | Description |
Attributes | AttributeBean array | A list of name and value pairs, indicating custom attribute values associated with this job. |
CancelState | CancelState | A set of possible cancel states the job may be in. |
CustomerPK | String | The EService primary key of the customer associated with this job. |
CustomerRef | String | A custom reference to the customer. |
DialableAttribute | AttributeBean | A single, dialable attribute. Usually appears on the field device as contact phone number for the job. |
Events | JobEventBean array | A list of all the events (state changes) that have occured on this job. |
ExternalAlternateRef | ExternalRefBean | A secondary external reference for the job, where there is a need to store a third primary key for a job. |
FieldDevicePK | String | The primary key of the field device. During job creation, populating this field with a valid value will cause EService to automatically assign the job to that field worker. |
InvoiceItems | InvoiceItemBean array | A list of all "invoice worthy" items associated with a job, after it has reached state "COMPLETED". Contains resources used on the job, plus payments received. |
JobType | String | The type of job this job is, one of a list created for each organisation during initial setup. |
Notes | NoteBean array | A list of the notes created either by the depatcher or the field device worker. |
name | type | description. |
name | type | description. |
int getPriority() BigDecimal getProposedCost()
static org.apache.axis.encoding.Serializer getSerializer(String mechType, Class _javaType, javax.xml.namespace.QName _xmlType)
Get Custom Serializer byte[] getSignature() JobStatus getStatus()
static org.apache.axis.description.TypeDesc getTypeDesc()
Return type metadata object Calendar getWhenCommitmentEnd() Calendar getWhenCommitmentStart() int hashCode() boolean isAfterHoursApproved() boolean isDeadInField() boolean isRecallPending() boolean isUpdatePending()