SOAP 3 Callback Documentation

Revision as of 22:34, 17 March 2010 by Ruskind (Talk)

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The following callback interface is designed using VS2008 and ASMX.

An implementation of a callback service is also uploaded on our project page on Sourceforge. This implemenation contains a callback service written in ASMX and in WCF.

Need to implement three core methods (getVersion, heartBeat and eventSeq):

        [WebService(Namespace = "")]
        [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
        public class NADSCallbackService : System.Web.Services.WebService
                public CallbackVersion getVersion()
                        return CallbackVersion.VERSION_2; // should match the version of the callback interface
                public void heartBeat(int errorsSinceLastSuccess)
                        // TODO: Implementation
                        // The heartbeat method is called every minute by the EService callback manager.
                public void eventSeq(UserIDBean externalServiceID, EventBean[] eventBeans)
                        // TODO: Implementation
                        // This will get fired on every user interaction which changes the state of a job, i.e. create job, dispatch, etc.
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