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This bean is an extension of the JobTemporalIDBean, and contains all information related to the functional details of a EService job, excluding customer details such as name, location, etc. Jobs can be created using a JobBean, provided that the Customer primary key passed in is that of a customer already existing on EService.


The data fields of this object are identical to the fields of a JobTemporalIDBean, with the additional fields listed below.

Name Type Size Required Description
Attributes AttributeBean array N/A No A list of name and value pairs, indicating custom attribute values associated with this job. This list of attributes are used to populate value into the Job Custom Fields, matched by attribue name to job custom field name.
CancelState CancelState N/A No A set of possible cancel states the job may be in.
CustomerPK String 9 Yes The EService primary key of the customer associated with this job.
CustomerRef String 20 No A custom reference to the customer.
DialableAttribute AttributeBean N/A No A single, dialable attribute. Usually appears on the field device as contact phone number for the job.
Events JobEventBean array N/A No A list of all the events (state changes) that have occured on this job.
ExternalAlternateRef ExternalRefBean N/A No A secondary external reference for the job, where there is a need to store a third primary key for a job.
FieldDevicePK String 9 No The primary key of the field device. During job creation, populating this field with a valid value will cause EService to automatically assign the job to that field worker.
Resources JobResourceBean array N/A No A list of all resources items associated with a job, after it has reached state "COMPLETED".
Payments JobPaymentBean array N/A No A list of all payments received on the job, after it has reached state "COMPLETED".
JobType String 50 Yes The type of job this job is, one of a list created for each organisation during initial setup.
Notes NoteBean array N/A No A list of the notes created either by the depatcher or the field device worker.
Priority int 2 No The priority of the job, on whatever scale the organisation is using.
ProposedCost ProposedCost N/A Yes Proposed cost to complete the job.
Signature byte array ~3000 No The signature captured at Job Sgnoff. The bytes are in pairs of X and Y coordinates, with a singular 255 value indicating a break between one coordinate and the next, with no line linking them. Note that this field will always be empty for Verizon Wireless Cellphones, as they do not support signature capture.
Status JobStatus N/A No An enumerated list of possible states for the job, excluding CancelState.
WhenCommitmentStart Calendar N/A Yes The date and time the job is scheduled to start.
WhenCommitmentEnd Calendar N/A Yes The date and time the job is scheduled to end.
AfterHoursApproved boolean 1 No Indicates whether this job is after hours approved.
DeadInField boolean 1 No Indicates the job is dead in the field (Occurs when a job has been canceled without confirmation from the field device. This occurs when the server has been unable to communicate with the field device holding the canceled job for an extended period of time).
RecallPending boolean 1 No Indicates the job is about to be recalled, and is awaiting confirmation from the field worker.
UpdatePending boolean 1 No Indicates there is an update to be sent to the field worker.
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