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Contains the results for attempting to create a new job. Will either contain a JobCustomerTemporalIDBean containing the identification details for the newly created job, or a failure object as listed below, indicating the reason for failing to create the job.

Success Mode

The JobID field will contain a valid JobCustomerTemporalIDBean object, containing the EService identification and primary key information for the newly created job, and the update index of the customer.

Failure Modes

One or more failure fields will be populated with a failure object (will contain a non-null reference) indicating the nature of the failure, with relevant information.

Type Description
AccessDeniedFailure The username or password was incorrect, or lacked the right to complete this function.
CustomerPKMismatchFailure The Customer primary key in the JobCustomerBean, did not match the customer primary key in the CustomerBean.
ConcurrentUpdateFailure The update index of the Job or Customer bean, did not match the update index stored on the server.
ValidationFailure One or more fields contained invalid values.
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