SOAP 3 Documentation

Revision as of 00:40, 21 April 2005 by Tristan (Talk)

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The EService SOAP 3 API

The SOAP 3 api is an external interface which allows authorised users to directly connect their job management system to the ECONZ EService Job Management and Wireless Dispatch system. The interface allows jobs to be created, updated, dispatched, progressed and comlpeted. In addition, it also allows for the creation and maintenance of customer, resource, and employee data.

The Interface Definition

Below are listed the various functions that make up the SOAP 3 API. Each function is called, passing in at least one parameter, a UserIDBean. This bean contains the user name and password of a previously registered EService User, with administrative rights. This ensures only authorised users are able to access the interface.

Please select a link to see documentation on each method's function and features.

Job Creation and Management Functions

   * createJob
   * updateJob
   * progressJobStatus
   * onHoldJob
   * resumeJob
   * recallJob
   * confirmJobRecall
   * cancelJob
   * dispatchJob
   * getJobSummary
   * getJobSummaries
   * getJobSummariesBetween
   * getJobDetailsBetween
   * getJobSummariesBetweenStatusAfterPK
   * getJobDetail
   * getJobDetails
   * getJobDetailsByExternalRef
   * getJobAttributeNames
   * getJobTypeNames
   * getUnsynchronisedJobs
   * ackJobSynchronisation

Customer Management Functions

   * createCustomer
   * getCustomerDetail
   * getCustomerDetailByExternalRef
   * getCustomerDetailsUpdatedSince
   * updateCustomer
   * deleteCustomer
   * getCustomerAttributeNames
   * getUnsynchronisedCustomers
   * ackCustomerSynchronisation

EService User Management Functions

   * createUser
   * getUserDetail
   * updateUser
   * updateUserPassword
   * deleteUser
   * getUnsynchronisedUsers
   * ackUserSynchronisation

EService Field Device Management Functions

   * createFieldDevice
   * getFieldDeviceDetail
   * getFieldDeviceDetails
   * getFieldDeviceDetailsUpdatedSince
   * updateFieldDevice
   * deleteFieldDevice
   * getFieldDevicePKForName
   * getFieldDevicePKForDeviceID

Resource Management Functions

   * getResourceList
   * createResource
   * getResource
   * getResourcesUpdatedSince
   * deleteResource
   * getUnsynchronisedResources
   * ackResourceSynchronisation
   * getResourceGroups
   * createResourceGroup
   * deleteResourceGroup

Callback Functions

   * unRegisterCallback
   * getVersion
   * registerCallback
   * getCallbackErrors
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